
來源:趣味百科館 1.32W

Roosevelt, Theodore


別名泰迪.羅斯福(Teddy Roosevelt)

美國第26任總統(1901~1909)。1882年當選紐約州議員,成為反對民主黨政府的共和黨領袖。在經歷政治上的失敗和喪妻之痛後,到達科他準州經營牧場。後來返回紐約,在美國公務員委員會任職(1889~1895),後任紐約市警務處處長(1895~1897)。他是馬京利的支持者,1897~1898年任海軍海軍部助理部長。美西戰爭爆發後,他奉命組織騎兵部隊--莽騎兵。之後以英雄身分返回紐約,並於1899年當選為州長。後被提名為共和黨副總統候選人,並在馬京利再次當選後上任。馬京利在1901年遭暗殺後,羅斯福繼任為總統。在任職早期提出的一個動議就是反對商業壟斷的「雪曼反托拉斯法」。1904年擊敗派克,名正言順地當選為總統。在他的強力要求下,國會規定了鐵路運費,並於1906年通過食物、肉類、藥材得檢驗法,為消費者提供了新的保障。他下令保留國家森林、公園以及礦藏、油田和煤礦等資源。他和國務卿羅德宣佈了門羅主義的「羅斯福推論」,從而加強了美國身為西半球扞衞者的地位。由於他調停日俄戰爭,從而結束戰爭,在1906年獲得諾貝爾和平獎。他確保了與巴拿馬簽訂的關於修建跨地峽運河的協定得以實施。他本人已無心連任,但確保了塔虎脱為候選人。在到非洲及歐洲旅行之後,他在1912年試圖再次獲得共和黨總統提名。被拒絕後,他組建了公麋黨,推行新國家主義政策,但仍在選舉中敗北。此後,他繼續從事寫作,出版的作品涉及歷史、政治、旅遊以及自然等各方面。亦請參閲Big Stick policy、Theodore Roosevelt National Park。


Roosevelt, Theodore

26th president of the U.S. (1901-9). Born in New York City, he was elected to the New York legislature in 1882, where he became a Republican leader opposed to the Democratic political machine. After political defeats and the death of his wife, he went to the Dakota Territory to ranch. He returned to New York to serve on the U.S. Civil Service Commission (1889-95) and as head of the city's board of police commissioners (1895-97). A supporter of William McKinley, he served as assistant secretary of the navy (1897-98). When the Spanish-American War was declared, he resigned to organize a cavalry unit, the Rough Riders. He returned to New York a hero and was elected governor in 1899. As the Republican vice-presidential nominee, he took office when McKinley was reelected, and he became president on McKinley's assassination in 1901. One of his early initiatives was to urge enforcement of the Sherman Antitrust Act against business monopolies. He won election in his own right in 1904, defeating Alton Parker. At his urging, Congress regulated railroad rates and passed the Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act (1906) to provide new consumer protections. He set aside national forests, parks, and mineral, oil, and coal lands for conservation. He and secretary of state Elihu Root announced the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, which reinforced the U.S. position as defender of the Western Hemisphere. For mediating an end to the Russo-Japanese War, he received the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize. He secured a treaty with Panama for construction of a trans-isthmus canal. Declining to seek reelection, he secured the nomination for William H. Taft. After traveling in Africa and Europe, he tried to win the Republican presidential nomination in 1912; when he was rejected, he organized the Bull Moose Party and ran on a policy of New Nationalism, but failed to win the election. Throughout his life he continued to write, publishing extensively on history, politics, travel, and nature. See also Big Stick policy, T. Roosevelt National Park.
