
來源:趣味百科館 1.5W

It is now our aim to set up a factory.我們現在的目的是創辦一座工廠。He has set up a firm of his own.他自己開了一家公司。We ranged the woods looking for a place to set up our tents.我們在樹林裡東走西跑, 找個地方搭帳篷。

1、The little girl set up a howl.那個小女孩號啕大哭。

2、We are planning to set up a publishing house.我們正打算建立一家出版社。

3、Patrols were set up on the streets.街上組建了巡邏隊。

4、The travellers set up a camp near the river.旅遊者在河邊架起了帳篷。

5、A new government was set up after the war.新政府於戰後成立。

6、The boss set his mistress up in a snazzy love nest.老闆把情婦安排在一個華麗而俗氣的愛之窩。
