
來源:趣味百科館 3W

歐洲飛機制造企業集團,是世界第二大商用飛機制造商(僅次於波音公司〔Boeing Co.〕)。集團成員包括德國-法國-西班牙共同擁有的歐洲航空國防暨太空公司(EADS),佔80%股份,還有英國的英國航太系統公司(BAE Systems),佔20%。比利時的比利時空中巴士(Belairbus)和義大利的愛樂尼亞(Alenia)公司都是在某些選擇專案上分擔風險的合作成員。1970年由法國和德國的航太企業(後來西班牙與英國也加入)組成空中巴士公司,目的是填補短程和中程大容量噴射客機這個市場空隙,並與久已知名的美國製造商競爭。1974年它的第一個產品A300開始服務,這是第一種只有兩臺引擎的廣體噴射客機,運行成本很經濟。雙引擎的A320(1988年開始服務)又加進了許多技術發明,着名的有「線傳飛控」(用電力而非機械鏈結),用電腦控制飛行。四引擎的A340(1993)和較小的雙引擎A330(1994)都是長程飛行的機型。2000年空中巴士開始研製A380,意圖成爲具有五百五十五個旅客座位的世界最大型客運飛機。


Airbus Industrie

European aircraft-making consortium that is the world's second largest maker of commercial aircraft (after Boeing Co.). Full members include the German-French-Spanish-owned European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS), with an 80-percent interest, and Britain's BAE Systems, with 20 percent. Belgium's Belairbus and Italy's Alenia are risk-sharing associate members in selected programs. Airbus was formed in 1970 by French and German aerospace firms (later joined by Spanish and British companies) to fill a market niche for short- to medium-range, high-capacity jetliners and compete with long-established American manufacturers. Its first product, the A300, entered service in 1974. It was the first wide-body jetliner equipped with only two engines for more economical operation. The twin-engine A320 (entered service 1988) incorporated numerous technical innovations, notably fly-by-wire (electric rather than mechanically linked), computer-based flight controls. The four-engine A340 (1993) and smaller, twin-engine A330 (1994) were long-range airliners. In 2000 Airbus launched development of the A380, intended to be the world's largest airliner with a typical seating of 555 passengers.
